Genomic characterization of Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica) and Arctic surfclam (Mactromeris polynyma) populations in coastal Atlantic Canada

Funding period: 2022-2023
Lead: Virginie Roy
Total GRDI funding: $106,107

Iceland scallop and Arctic surfclam are two coastal species of significant commercial value for communities dependent on small scale fisheries, including Inuit and First Nations communities in Eastern Canada, from Nunavik to the Maritimes. Biological traits of both species (high longevity, low growth, low mobility) make them vulnerable to exploitation, thus both species are protected under the modernized Fisheries Act. To provide a baseline in physiological and genomic research for these species, this project uses seascape genomics to characterize their biological units throughout coastal Atlantic Canada. Results of this study will be used to deliver regional science advice to stock assessment biologists and stock managers to improve existing management plans by including reliable information on the connectivity and isolation between management zones. Genomic resources, including the first whole genome reference sequence for Iceland Scallop, will offer insights concerning the potential of adaptation of these two species in a changing environment.

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Genomics R&D Initiative