An integrated approach in systems biology to investigate vaccine‑associated disease enhancement and deficiency in protective immunity induced by various forms of respiratory syncytial virus vaccines

Funding period: 2019-2024
Lead: Sean Li
Total GRDI funding: $1,130,000

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infection is the leading cause of hospitalization in infants and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality equal to influenza in the elderly. No RSV vaccine is currently available and its development has been designated as one of the highest priorities by Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO). The slow progress in RSV-vaccine development over several decades is largely due to a lack of understanding of the RSV immune response. This project seeks to advance scientific knowledge, developing in-house expertise and establish testing tools to support Health Canada's regulatory activities and contribute to the development of an efficacious and safe vaccine for Canadians.


  • Hatfield G, Tepliakova L, Gingras G, Stalker A, Li X, Aubin Y, Tam RY. 2022. Specific location of galactosylation in an afucosylated antiviral monoclonal antibody affects its FcγRIIIA binding affinity. Oct 13:972168. eCollection 2022
  • Muralidharan A, Larocque L, Russell M, Creskey M, Li C, Chen W, VanDomselaar G, Cao J, Cyr T, Rosu-Myles M, Wang L, Li X. 2019. PD-1 of sigmodon hispidus: gene identification, characterization and preliminary evaluation of expression in inactivated RSV vaccine-induced enhanced respiratory disease. Sci. Rep. 9(1):e11638.
  • Muralidharan A, Russell MS, Larocque L, Gravel C, Sauvé S, Chen Z, Li C, Chen W, Cyr T, Rosu-Myles M, Wang L, Li X. 2019. Chitosan alters inactivated respiratory syncytial virus vaccine elicited immune responses without affecting lung histopathology in mice. Vaccine. 37(30):4031-4039.
  • Raman SNT, Zetner A, Hashem AM, Patel D, Wu J, Gravel C, Gao J, Zhang W, Pfeifle A, Tamming L, Parikh K, Cao J, Tam R, Safronetz D, Chen W, Johnston MJW, Wang L, Sauve S, Rosu-Myles M, Domselaar GV, Li X. 2023. Bivalent vaccines effectively protect mice against influenza A and respiratory syncytial viruses. Emerg Microbes Infect. Dec;12(1):2192821.
  • Russell MS, Creskey M, Muralidharan A, Li C, Gao J, Chen W, Larocque L, Lavoie JR, Farnsworth A, Rosu-Myles M, Hashem AM, Yauk CL, Cao J, VanDomselaar G, Cyr T, Li X. 2019. Unveiling integrated functional pathways leading to enhanced respiratory disease associated with inactivated respiratory syncytial viral vaccine. Front Immunol. 10:e597.
  • Thulasi Raman SN, Latreille E, Gao J, Zhang W, Wu J, Russell MS, Walrond L, Cyr T, Lavoie JR, Safronetz D, Cao J, Sauvé S, Farnsworth A, Chen W, Shi P-Y, Wang Y, Wang L, Rosu-Myles M, Li X. 2020. Dysregulation of ephrin receptor and PPAR signaling pathways in neural progenitor cells infected by Zika virus. Emerg. Microbes. Infect. 9(1):2046-2060.
  • Zhang W, Pfeifle A, Lansdell C, Frahm G, Cecillon J, Tamming L, Gravel C, Gao J, Thulasi Raman SN, Wang L, Sauve S, Rosu-Myles M, Li X, Johnston MJW. 2023. The Expression Kinetics and Immunogenicity of Lipid Nanoparticles Delivering Plasmid DNA and mRNA in Mice. Vaccines (Basel). Oct 11;11(10):1580.

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