Population structure and local adaptation in the Glaucous-winged Gull and implications for its use as an environmental monitor for the Salish Sea

Funding period: 2020-2023
Lead: Mark Hipfner
Total GRDI funding: $54,000

This project will develop a range-wide genomics map for the Glaucous-winged Gull, a sentinel North Pacific indicator species. The map will enable us to quantify genomic diversity in the Salish Sea, where a large proportion of the global population spends winter. Identification of the provenance of individuals (residents vs. migrants), combined with quantification of habitat use (via GPS tracking), physiological condition, and contaminant levels, will enable an investigation of local adaptation to environmental conditions in the Salish Sea.

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For additional information, please contact:
Genomics R&D Initiative
Email: info@grdi-irdg.collaboration.gc.ca