Noroviruses whole genome sequencing and extended genotyping

Funding period: 2022–2024
Lead: Philippe Raymond
Total GRDI funding: $68,500

Noroviruses account for 65% of known causes of foodborne illness in Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency relies on the precision of diagnostic methods to deliver on its food safety mandate. Sequencing the genome of noroviruses makes it possible to investigate the link between co-occurring cases and outbreaks of norovirus and thus improve the outbreak investigation and food recall process. Sequencing also makes it possible to identify emerging genotypes and new virus variants. In addition, the availability of and access to norovirus genome sequence data facilitates disease spread modelling and improves the ability to make risk-informed decisions. Although the precision and sensitivity of current next-generation sequencing approaches have greatly improved, their robustness needs to be evaluated and improved when applicable.

Objectives of this project:

  • Identify the best next-generation sequencing approach for the confirmation or the track-back investigation of human norovirus-contaminated food
  • Identify the most sensitive untargeted approach for sequencing multiple human noroviruses genotypes
  • Identify reference variants for method development and validation

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Genomics R&D Initiative